How do I get more twitter followers?
>> Wednesday, 23 June 2010
This is a question I have received from a photographic company. Another great question and one I have asked myself.
I have two main twitter accounts; one for me, Karen Strunks, and one for my global photographic project, 4am Project. Karen Strunks has nearly 1000 followers, and the 4am Project has almost 2000. By no stretch of the imagination do I have the most followers ever.
For the most part my followers have grown organically and I don't really push the matter, especially with Karen Strunks (feels weird referring to myself in the third person!).
When I first started tweeting from the 4am Project account I did make a concerted effort to get followers. I searched twitter for people that I thought may be interested in the project, mainly other photographers. I'd say I was still fairly new to twitter at this point and I followed as many people as twitter would allow - which was 2000. This garnered a fair number of people that followed the 4am Project back. But since that last effort a year ago, I have just let it grow naturally.
I'm not saying that letting things happen at their own pace is the right way, it's just the way I've been doing it. There are a couple of reasons for this; I don't want to be seen as 'spammy' and I also simply lack the time at the moment to seek out new followers.
Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE twitter! I've raved about it before on my blog and even organised a twitter flash mob.
I was very pleased when all these tweeters turned up!
So today's question, which was referring to my 4am Project account with regards to a photographic company.
"Was checking out your Twitter account earlier, very impressive number of followers you have… got any tips to get us out of the 70’s and into the hundreds?" do you get more twitter followers? Well, I don' t know any killer marketing tricks or tips and can only go my by own experience.
- It takes time and effort
- Tweet WITH your followers, don't just tweet out
- Interact with your followers. Comment on their tweets if you think it's appropriate
- If someone tweets out a photo link or a funny link - re-tweet it. People like to be re-tweeted and it shows you are reading their tweets. They are more likely to re-tweet you back too.
- Let people know about your special offers
- Perhaps give a discount on an item especially for your twitter followers (you can't stop other people picking up the offer, but that's ok)
- Tweet interesting things/offers - people will re-tweet and tell their friends
- Build relationships, show you are human and not a faceless company - people like and are reassured by that.
- Respond in a timely manner when someone tweets you or asks you a question.
- If someone re-tweets you, thank them
- Tweet frequently, so you are not forgotten about, but not too often! lol
One company that I think gets the balance of all this spot on is Have a read of Moo's twitter stream. They tweet with their customers and potential customers, they send out links that they think their followers would be interested in (that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Moo), they tell people what's going on in their office and if it's coffee or cake time!
Get someone to dedicate some time to twitter each day. Perhaps to begin with 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at the end of the day, I'd suggest. Also, start to follow more people. Don't go too mad with this as you may look like spam - say 10 people a day. Even if 2 people follow you back out of those 10, you will gradually see your followers grow. To see who you think would be appropriate do a twitter search.
For example #photographer or #photography or any other word you think appropriate. Put # in front of the word. This is called a hashtag and is used widely on twitter.
Don't just follow anyone who has used #photographer (for example). Check them out, where they live, are they a company or an individual, are they active on twitter.
Over time, you may find Friend or Follow useful. It tells you who is following you, who you are following but who isn't following you back, and who you aren't following. I find it a good way to manage my twitter account.
So, there you go! My advice to a photographic company on how to use twitter and get more followers. Of course, some of these twitter tips can be used for individuals too, not just companies using twitter. I hope you find it helpful!
And of course, if you would like to follow me, you can find me on twitter here! :D
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